It is difficult to consider the passing of a loved one, but it is vital to be prepared. When planning a burial for a loved one, there are many factors to consider, but the most important is to find a manner to say goodbye that feels right for you and your family. It might be challenging to choose the type of burial for yourself or a loved one. Throughout history, individuals from a wide range of societies have honored the dead by burying or cremating them. Today, however, there are numerous options for burials. This guide provides an in-depth analysis of four types of burials so that you may make the best option for yourself or a loved one. Our company of funeral homes near Tukwila, WA also offers services and has many burial options.
Natural Burial
Green burials are frequently confused with natural burials. Despite their differences, they both decompose naturally without the need for embalming fluid, a coffin, or a burial vault. Instead, the deceased’s body is buried immediately in the ground. This burial option has minimal to no environmental impact. Some individuals may opt to be interred in biodegradable caskets, which are typically composed of bamboo, hemp, wool, felt, cotton, cork, teak, willow, rattan, seagrass, leaves, recycled cardboard, or other “low impact” materials. Green funerals occur in cemeteries that do not employ synthetic pesticides.
In-Ground Burial
This traditional type of burial typically requires a casket and includes some form of memorial homage to the deceased. The body of the departed is placed in a metal or wooden casket, which is then lowered into a dug spot and covered with soil. Although caskets, headstones, and accessories can be purchased separately, many families opt to purchase them all at once to save money in the long run. A burial service may accompany an in-ground burial to honor the deceased’s last resting place and offer family and friends a sense of closure.
Burial Above Ground
There are various types of above-ground burials, but lawn crypts and public or private mausoleums are the most common. Lawn crypts combine numerous advantages of mausoleum interment with the time-honored custom of in-ground burials. Mausoleums, on the other hand, provide clean and dry confines that are secure. If the additional prestige of being buried within a structured appeal to you, a mausoleum may be the best option. Alternatively, if the idea of being interred close to a loved one appeal to you, a lawn crypt may be your best option.
Cremation has recently eclipsed burial as the most preferred last disposition option. The corpse is exposed to temperatures between 1,400 and 1,800°F. This kind of heat will convert the body to ash and shattered bones. The majority of families choose to scatter or preserve cremated ashes following the funeral service. Cremation is becoming increasingly popular since it is typically less expensive and utilizes fewer resources than other methods of interment.
Death, as devastating as it may be, is a normal and inevitable part of life. When a loved one dies, it is essential to select a burial option that is suitable for them and your family. There are lots of options, and each works differently.
And, we at funeral homes near Tukwila, WA are here as well to show and introduce you to the different services that we have. So, feel free to contact us anytime.