While a lot of things have shut down and changed over the past few months, one thing that hasn’t changed is that life sometimes ends. You know every life is finite, but you have to face it when someone in your family passes on. When you contact funeral homes in Bellevue, WA, you might find that there are certain restrictions in place for everyone’s safety. While many restrictions have relaxed, you still want to deal with the loss in the safest and most respectful manner for everyone. Here are a few ways to deal with loss during this pandemic.
Consider Outdoor Services
While the weather is still nice, you could consider having services for your loved one outside. Most people are more comfortable gathering in a group when they are outside and not closed in with the air everyone is breathing. You are more able to space out chairs and people in general and it is a safer way to gather.
Keep Services Small
Even if you’d like to have services open to the public, that might not feel right to you right now, either, given the situation of the pandemic. Instead of going all out, you could just keep the services on the small side with family and friends who were close to your loved one. The community can find other ways to honor them as you keep everyone as safe as you can.
Put Off Services
While you can’t put off a funeral or burial, you can delay memorial services if you’d like when you go for direct cremation. Cremation will take the timeline pressure off and you can have the services whenever you’d like. Since we don’t know exactly when this whole thing will be over, it can be hard to say when you will want to have the services in the future.
Remember Life
While it’s easy to deal on the death of a loved one and all the hard, negative things going on around you, one of the best things you can do during this hard situation is to remember life. Gather with friends and talk about fond memories of your loved one to honor them. Remind yourself of the people around you who are still here and love you. They make life worth living. Remembering the good points will help you get through the harder times you are facing now.
There are plenty of funeral homes in Bellevue, WA that are ready and willing to help you through these tough situations. The professionals at Columbia Funeral Home & Crematory will help you organize and carry out any details you decide upon for your loved one. We also offer grief resources after the services are complete if you need some extra help moving forward. You can call us for details on grief groups, counselors, or anything else you might feel is right for your particular grief. We’re here to help you through this hard time, whatever it takes, to see you through.