When someone in your family passes on and you find yourself in charge of their final services with the cremation providers in Tukwila, WA, it might be the first time you have had to arrange final services for someone. While you trust the professionals you are working with, it’s wise for you to know a few things about funeral homes and the way they operate so you understand what’s coming. Here are some things to know.
The Funeral Can Be Personalized
When you start arranging a funeral, you might lean toward the traditional things, and that’s a good way to go. While you want your loved one to have everything they deserve in relation to their faith, it’s also a good idea to personalize the funeral in some ways—and that’s absolutely possible. You can customize the funeral in any way you’d like in order to give it the style and personality your loved one held when they were around.
Prices Can Vary Between Companies
It’s a good idea to look at a few funeral homes and compare their prices as the costs can vary. All funeral homes should be completely transparent with their pricing and when you take a look at the pricing, you will see that some companies cost more than others. You want fair prices that give your loved one the quality they need in their services. Prices can vary for a lot of reasons and you can get into those before you choose a funeral home.
Embalming Is Optional
While embalming is a common service that goes along with visitations and funeral services, it’s not required. It’s good for you to know that you get to choose whether or not that service is done for your loved one. If you plan to have a closed casket, for example, there’s no reason to have them go through the embalming process at all. It might seem like something that is done automatically, but it’s actually something you get to choose.
Funeral Directors Won’t Decide Anything For You
Funeral directors are there to help you with every step you have to take. While they will show you options and allow you to choose between them, they aren’t going to make decisions for you. They are there to support what you want to do, not to decide anything for you. The best they can do is show you the options and give you suggestions that you can then decide between. Once you decide things, they will take those plans and make them happen for you.
Working with the cremation providers in Tukwila, WA will help you to give your loved one what they need along with an honorable service for the rest of your family to mourn their loss. The professionals at Columbia Funeral Home & Crematory are here to help you with every step of the planning process and we will implement the plans you put into place once you make those important decisions. We will answer any questions you have along the way.