funeral homes in West Seattle, WA

Lending A Hand During The Grieving Process

There’s nothing easy about grieving. Perhaps you have lost a loved one and you know that from personal experience. Your heart goes out to friends and family members when they lose someone because you know just how hard it is. You can contact funeral homes in West Seattle, WA, and ask for advice on ways to lend a hand to someone who is grieving. Here are a few ideas that can help you get started on the options.

Ask What They Need

If you aren’t sure what to do, you could always reach out to your friend and family member and simply ask them what you can do to help them. They might need errands run, their dog walked, or help with service plans. Whatever they need, try to fill those voids. You can offer specific ideas, like mowing their lawn, if they don’t seem sure what they should ask for. As long as they know you are willing to help, that’s most important.

Help Them To Rest

Your friend or family member is going through a hard time and you, from life experience, probably know that going through a hard time on little sleep is going to make everything feel harder. It can be hard to sleep when grieving, but as a good friend, you can try to make sure they get to rest. When they are trying to clean their house to prepare for family visitors, perhaps suggest that they lie down for a while and you will do the dusting. Take over small tasks that give them the time they need to rest so they can get through this grief in the best way possible.

Give Them A Massage Card

IT can be hard for anyone to relax when they are grieving, but that is exactly what might be best for them. Once the funeral is behind them, you might want to give them a gift card to a local spa so they can get a massage. They might have a lot of tension built up in their muscles from the proceedings and the grief and letting it out can be just what they need.

Run Errands For Them

Your friend is going to need things for their home, thank you cards, and a variety of other things that you can get for them. Ask them what they need to have picked up when you are running their own errands and let them know they can call you between your own trips if they need anything else and don’t have time to get out themselves.

Cook A Meal

Lots of people will deliver meals, but you might want to take over your friend’s kitchen and cook something fresh for them when they need a meal so they can eat it right away. You can make sure they are getting something nutritious that way, too.

funeral homes in West Seattle, WA

If you need more ideas for things you can do to lend a hand to someone that is grieving, the professionals at funeral homes in West Seattle, WA can offer more ideas and options.