When you decide to have cremation services in West Seattle, WA for a loved one who has passed on, you then erase the timeline for anything else you might want to do. You can have the cremation done and once that is complete, you can have the memorial and decide on a final resting place at any time. There’s no pressure to move forward until you are ready. Some people still like to have memorial services right away and that works well for them. But you might find some reasons to put off the services until another date. Here are a few reasons you might have.
Reason 1: Family Is Spread Out
If your family lives all over the country, it might be hard for everyone to drop everything, travel to your location, and attend a memorial service in short order. But if you put the memorial service off for a week or two, you give everyone the notice they need to get time off work, make travel plans, and arrive so they can all be together for the service. It’s a very nice reason to put things off and includes everyone and allows everyone time to get there.
Reason 2: You Need Time To Plan
While there’s nothing wrong with putting a memorial service together fast, you might want to take your time in the planning process and get something really special together. If you have a few things that need to come together that are going to take time, there’s nothing wrong with having the service a little later so you can get everything you want lined up. It may just make it more special for everyone who attends.
Reason 3: You Don’t Know What To Do Yet
Your loved one’s death might have been sudden and you may need some time to process what has happened. There’s nothing wrong with putting the memorial service off simply because you don’t know what you want to do for them yet. You’ve never thought of it before because you never had reason to. Think about what that person might have liked and give yourself some time to grieve and process what has happened before you jump into the planning process.
There’s a lot of flexibility with cremation services in West Seattle, WA and once the process is complete, you can do whatever you want, at any time that you want, and in any location. It opens up the options and really does allow you a variety of choices that you wouldn’t have had otherwise. Whether you want to have a service right away or not, the professionals at Columbia Funeral Home & Crematory are here to help. We can transport your loved one to our facilities and care for them as you decide what to do. Then, we can give you time and space to move forward with other services or we can help you plan something for your family and your loved one right away.