When you have to have a final service with a funeral home in Bellevue, WA because a loved one passed on, there are a lot of things to pull together. First and foremost, you want your loved one’s needs to be met. But you also need to keep your budget in mind and stick to what you are able to spend. It’s easy to go overboard when you are emotional and want nothing but the best for your loved one. Here are a few ways you can stay on track.
Let The Professionals Know What Budget You Have
One of the best ways to stay on budget is to let the professionals know what your budget is upfront. When you tell them that you have only a certain amount to spend right away, they will help you to stick to that set amount. They will show you the options that you can afford and let you choose from those. They can also give you advice as to where you might spend more and where you might save, also so you can stay on track.
Keep Guest List Small
If you want to keep the budget in line, one thing you might do is keep the guest list on the small side. You can use a smaller room, pay less for reception food, and so on. Fewer people means fewer costs overall, which can help you to keep the budget where you want it to be.
Potluck The Reception
The reception can be a big cost, depending on how many people you have, and you might want to spend money on your loved one and their needs and not food for the guests. While it’s possible that another family member, friend, or community group will offer to cover the reception for you, if no one does, you could also consider having a potluck. Have everyone bring something so you are able to cut back on costs, but still have a nice time of family gathering.
Let Others Pitch In
Your budget might be small, but you can let other family members pitch in to help with some of the costs to raise what you are able to do. If someone offers, let them help. They might want to buy a certain thing or they might just want to pile their money into the pot and let you use it for whatever is necessary. Either way, it can really help to have that financial support.
Go With Simple Dignity
There’s nothing wrong with keeping things simple. You can honor your loved one and meet the budget at the same time. They get their needs met and you feel good about the things you have done for them.
If you are ready for your loved one’s final service at the funeral home in Bellevue, WA, but you aren’t sure how you are going to afford it, work with the professionals at Columbia Funeral Home & Crematory on the details.