There are lots of ways to incorporate family members of many different kinds at cremation services in West Seattle, WA. There might be some kids in the family, for example, who would like a part in the process and would do well in certain roles. Here are some ways you might consider using a kid at a cremation service, depending on the type of service you are planning.
Whether you are having a traditional memorial service, something in a park, or even a celebration of life, it’s nice to designate someone to greet those who are joining you for the service. That might mean pairing an adult up with a child and having them greet people together. Having a younger person at the door, doing those greetings can give people a smile. If they are a close relative of the deceased, like a grandchild, it can also be nice as people will see the generations that are carrying on the legacy of the person who passed on.
There might be something to pass out at the service, like programs, pictures, balloons, or other such things, depending on what you are doing at the service. Children might be good to serve at distributors of those things. Again, they could be placed alongside an adult if they are too young to do that alone. It can give them something to do and can help them feel a part of the day.
Help With Seating
If there are seats at the event, the kids can keep an eye on where there are empty seats and help people find a place to sit when they arrive. They can act as ushers and show them to those seats so everyone in their group has a place. IF there aren’t seats, they can show guests where the refreshments are, tell them where the restrooms are, or something else like that.
Do A Reading
Kids of the right age who don’t mind speaking in front of a group might like to read a poem, Bible verse, or something else for the memorial service. It can be a touching moment for everyone at the service and it can make them feel good to honor the person who passed on in that manner.
IF you have a child in your family and you want them to be involved in the cremation services in West Seattle, WA in some way or another, the professionals at Columbia Funeral Home & Crematory can help you figure out what might work the best. Give us a call, tell us about the child in question, and we can offer expert advice and ideas that might work well for your situation. We want you to be able to honor your love done and we want any child you’d like to have involved to participate in the right ways as well. Having children present and included can mean a lot to everyone and they might need to honor the loved one that passed on as well.