When you have final services for a loved one, the friends and community members are going to want to reach out to your family and show their condolences. That can be a very nice thing for them to do and a lot of people will likely send flowers. However, if you don’t want to flood the funeral home in Seattle, WA with flowers, there are other things you can ask people to do instead of send flowers. There are lots of nice options, and here are a few to consider.
Donations To An Organization
You might like the idea of people using the money they would have spent on flowers on something that will make more of a difference, like a donation to a non-profit organization. You can direct funds to a certain charity that your loved one supported and honor them in a great way. You can also choose a charity based on your loved one’s illness, perhaps, or something they appreciated in their life. You could also let everyone choose their own charity and spread the honor out among a variety of non-profits.
Money For The Services
If you need funds to cover what you want for your loved one’s final services, there’s no shame in asking people to donate funds to the service cause instead of bringing flowers. They will understand that practical ask and they will likely want to help. Many of them will even be honored to be able to play even a small part in the service plans.
Items For A Charity
You could ask people to bring certain items along with them to the final service to collect things that someone else needs. Perhaps your loved one ran an annual food or diaper drive for the local shelter. Have everyone bring diapers or canned food so you can stock those shelves in their honor. If your loved one adored pets, have everyone bring a tin of food or a toy that you can donate to the humane society. The items are a nice way for people to show they care and a great way to honor your loved one at the same time.
Memorials For Themselves
It can also be nice to ask people to skip the flowers, and instead to set up a memorial to your loved one in whatever form they feel good about. Some people may buy a nice frame and place a picture of your loved one in their home. Others might get a memorial rock for their garden. There are plenty of things they can do and when they skip the flowers, they might feel led to do so.
If you need other suggestions for what you might want to do instead of flowers, funeral home in Seattle, WA have options for you. Contact then at any time and ask for ideas and advice as to what you might want to do. Once they know your family, they can customize those ideas.