When you buy a package for cremation services in Tukwila, WA, either for a loved one who has passed on or for yourself in advance, there are lots of options on the table that can go along with the package. Keep in mind that the package is all you need. It comes with every service and even every product that you have to have for a cremation service. The deceased’s needs will be met, and they will be well cared for. However, some people like to add certain things to the package, and these are some of the items that most funeral homes will have on hand to show you in case you want some of those items.
This is the most popular item that people pair with a cremation service. While the funeral home will provide a simple container for the person’s ashes after cremation occurs, many people like to have something different—something more personal and special. The funeral home will have a variety of urns available and they can also tell you what size you need for the person in question. You don’t have to buy an urn from the funeral home, and they can direct you to good vendors who might have what you are looking for. But you can get good examples from the funeral home and you might even find what you want there.
Cremation Jewelry
It’s become very popular for people to have a small piece of their loved one with them well into the future. That can be done through cremation jewelry. These pieces come as necklaces, bracelets, rings, and other such items. The jewelry acts as a tiny urn and can hold a bit of cremated remains. They are often hearts, pendants, crosses, or other such shapes. It’s a nice way for someone to be held close by many different family members, if they so choose. The funeral home can show various options of these pieces as well and advise you as to where else you can get them.
If you decide to scatter your loved one’s ashes, you won’t have a cemetery headstone and grave to go visit in the future. You might want something special that will remind you of your loved one that you can sit in a certain location. That might mean a stone bench that you can engrave with their name, a rock with a phrase and their name on it, or other such items. Funeral homes often have memorial ideas and products available for you to peruse.
If you are working on cremation services in Tukwila, WA, either for a loved one or yourself in advance, getting the package you want is a good place to start. Once that is in place, you have everything you need. But that doesn’t mean you have to stop there if there are other things you want. You can also get certain products that go along with cremation and the professionals at Columbia Funeral Home & Crematory are here to help.