Category Archives: Cremation

cremation services in Bellevue, WA

Helping A Grieving Friend Through Cremation Services

There are only so many things you can do when you see a friend grieving as a loved one of theirs goes through cremation services in Bellevue, WA. You know there’s really nothing you can say or do to take away their pain. At the same time, you want to help them through this hard time and your support really will mean a lot to them as they try to grasp what the future is going to look like. Here are some ways you can help them as best you can.

Support Them At The Memorial

One of the biggest things you can do, which is also one of the easiest things to do, is simply go to the memorial service. If the service is open to the public or your friend has specifically invited you, showing up can say a lot. You are there for them, whether you knew their loved one or not, and you are someone they can count on to be there for them even on the hardest days. You don’t have to bring anything special or say anything special. Your presence will say it all.

Help Around Those Services

There may be things that fall through the cracks around the services and if there’s anything you can do to help your friend, you should try to pick up the slack. That might mean at the reception, clearing some tables and cleaning up. You could package up leftovers in meal sizes and deliver it to their house. Or, you can do things that don’t relate as much to their services, like clean their home and get guest rooms ready for family that is coming into town. Your friend might not ask for help, but they likely need it and if you can pitch in, it’ll say a lot.

Don’t Avoid Them During Or After

cremation services in Bellevue, WAYou aren’t going to want to monopolize your friend at the memorial service, but don’t avoid them, either. Make sure you convey your condolences and if you see a time where it looks like they need a hug, be there to give it to them. Some people find that they get a lot of support around the services, but after that, everyone disappears and goes back to their life. Don’t be someone who disappears and, instead, be there for your friend and continue to support them. Check up on them and let them tell you stories and talk to you about their feelings.

Note Big Dates

You know your friend is going to remember the day their loved one died, the day of the memorial, and other special days, like their loved one’s birthday. Note those days on your own calendar and be there for your friend when those days come around. They will greatly appreciate the support and be touched that you took the time to remember such days yourself. You can get other ideas on how to help around cremation services in Bellevue, WA from the experts at Columbia Funeral Home & Crematory.

cremation services in Tukwila, WA

Do You Want An Urn For Cremation Services?

Many families end up choosing cremation services in Tukwila, WA for a loved one after they die because there are a lot of choices to consider. It’s nice to know that they can customize and personalize absolutely anything they want with that type of service. While the cremation package you choose for your loved one, even if it is the most basic option, will include everything you have to have for the services they need. However, there are plenty of things you can add to the process as well, if you choose to do so. One of the most popular things to add is an urn. Is that something you want for your loved one? Here are a few hints to help you decide.

It Fits Your Budget

There are urns of many different price points and you can find something rather inexpensive that is nice and will work well. But if you only had the money for the cremation package, that’s okay. You don’t have to have an urn. You get a simple container with that package and that will work just fine for your loved one. On the other hand, if you have the budget for an urn, it might be an extra you consider. You might want to get something that feels more special and unique for your loved one.

You Want A Unique Option

The simple containers from the funeral home providers work find, but they are all the same. You might want something unique and different for your loved one and that’s why an urn may be important to you. There are so many options available that you are surely going to be able to find something that would suit your loved one and will help you to further any needs you have for other services.

They Are Easier To Keep

Cremation services in Tukwila, WAOnce you choose cremation for a loved one and move forward with that process, you don’t have to rush the timeline on anything else. You are able to have whatever services you want for your loved one at whatever time you want to have them. If you know you want your loved one to stay in your home, you might want an urn that is nice and sturdy for that storage process. If you aren’t sure what you want yet, but your loved one will be with you until you do decide, having an urn that is durable makes it easier to keep them safe.

There really are no hard and fast, right or wrong reasons to choose any of the extras that are offered along with the packages for cremation services in Tukwila, WA. Keep in mind that Columbia Funeral Home & Crematory offers only honorable options so no matter what you choose, your loved one is getting the respect they deserve. If you want to add an urn to their cremation package, we will let you know what size you need and help you go through the options.

cremation services in West Seattle, WA

Is Counseling A Good Idea After Cremation Services?

There’s no way for you to predict how your body and your emotions are going to react around cremation services in West Seattle, WA as you grieve for someone who passed away in your life. Grief is unique in each and every person and in each and every circumstance. If you are feeling certain things aren’t going right, there’s nothing wrong with seeking counseling to help yourself get to the other side of the grieving process so you can gain access to a new sense of normal as you move forward. Here are some reasons that grieving with a counselor might be a good idea for you.

Physical Illness Is Manifesting

Most people see grief as an emotional thing, but it can fester in your physical being as well. If you notice that your grief is so heavy that you are actually getting sick and that illness just won’t let up, you might want to see a counselor to get help. The emotions, once you deal with them, might help the physical aspects lighten as well.

Isolation Is Too Close

You may know, in your head, that you shouldn’t isolate yourself, and yet you never feel like being around people. You can’t even force yourself to fake it for an hour. You just want to be alone. While being alone, at times, while you are grieving is fine, you don’t want to make it a habit. If you know that you are isolating yourself and you want to climb your way out of that hole before you dig too deeply down, see a counselor for tips, advice, and just to talk out what you are going through.

Depression Is Evident

Perhaps you’ve gone through depression before and you know what it looks like on you. Maybe you’ve noticed a friend who went through similar symptoms. Or, maybe it’s all new, but you’re worried about how despondent you feel. If you can’t seem to fester up any sense of happiness, even for things that used to bring you joy, you are probably depressed and counseling can help you to smile again.

Things Aren’t Getting Better

cremation services in West Seattle, WATime is not going to heal you. But as time passes, you should notice that you are able to deal with your situation better. You get used to your loved one not being around and you are able to work on a new sense of normal. If, instead, you feel like things actually feel worse for you as time passes, seeing a counselor could help you turn things around and get back on the right path again.

There’s nothing easy about seeing a loved one through cremation services in West Seattle, WA, but once you take care of their needs, you have to make sure you care for yourself as well. If you need extra help in grieving, there’s no shame in that. Reach out to the professionals at Columbia Funeral Home & Crematory and we can give you counselor resources as well as grief support group options to consider.

cremation services in Bellevue, WA

Displaying Pictures At The Cremation Service

One of the things you might like to do at the cremation service in Bellevue, WA when you have your loved one’s final service is display a few pictures of them so everyone will remember them as they are. It’s a nice way to honor their memory and allow everyone something to look at, remember, and smile as they think about that person. But where should you place the pictures? Here are a few options to consider.

Place A Large Photo Near The Front

Many people like to have a large picture of their loved one at the front of the room during the service. It can be a nice focal point and allow everyone to remember just why they are there. It can be something to look at when the special music is going or when someone is speaking. This large picture should be of your loved one alone and it should be recent enough that people will recognize them as they most recently were.

Put Pictures In The Entrance

You could also place some framed photos in the entrance of the funeral home so people can see them on the way in. This will also give everyone something to look at as they exit, perhaps as they are waiting in the receiving line to speak to the family members and pay their respects and condolences. You can also have a table with memorial items and even photo albums that people can flip through. This table is a nice place for a picture arrangement, including photos of families.

Decorate The Headstone

Once the services move on to the cemetery, you can add pictures around the headstone, if it has been installed. You can place one right on the headstone so everyone can look at that instead of the grave itself. It’s a nice way to remember your loved one for the person they were.

Put Pictures On The Bulletin

Cremation services in Bellevue, WAYou can also place your loved one’s photo right on the bulletin that shows the order of events. Everyone will get one as they walk in and this is something they can look at during the service and even take home with them as a memorial. It’s a nice way to give everyone something to remember the service, and your loved one by.

If you are trying to figure out what you want to do with your loved one’s final services, the cremation service in Bellevue, WA is there to help you with all of the details from start to finish. Your loved one will get the honor and respect they deserve and you can memorialize them in a customized way as you see fit. Contact the professionals at Columbia Funeral Home & Crematory when you have the need for final services or, if you want to plan your services ahead of time, you can also do that with us as well. We offer support and compassion the entire way through the planning process and even on the other side of services.

cremation providers in Tukwila, WA

Helpful Funeral Home and Cremation Elements

When someone in your family passes on and you find yourself in charge of their final services with the cremation providers in Tukwila, WA, it might be the first time you have had to arrange final services for someone. While you trust the professionals you are working with, it’s wise for you to know a few things about funeral homes and the way they operate so you understand what’s coming. Here are some things to know.

The Funeral Can Be Personalized

When you start arranging a funeral, you might lean toward the traditional things, and that’s a good way to go. While you want your loved one to have everything they deserve in relation to their faith, it’s also a good idea to personalize the funeral in some ways—and that’s absolutely possible. You can customize the funeral in any way you’d like in order to give it the style and personality your loved one held when they were around.

Prices Can Vary Between Companies

It’s a good idea to look at a few funeral homes and compare their prices as the costs can vary. All funeral homes should be completely transparent with their pricing and when you take a look at the pricing, you will see that some companies cost more than others. You want fair prices that give your loved one the quality they need in their services. Prices can vary for a lot of reasons and you can get into those before you choose a funeral home.

Embalming Is Optional

While embalming is a common service that goes along with visitations and funeral services, it’s not required. It’s good for you to know that you get to choose whether or not that service is done for your loved one. If you plan to have a closed casket, for example, there’s no reason to have them go through the embalming process at all. It might seem like something that is done automatically, but it’s actually something you get to choose.

Funeral Directors Won’t Decide Anything For You

cremation providers in Tukwila, WAFuneral directors are there to help you with every step you have to take. While they will show you options and allow you to choose between them, they aren’t going to make decisions for you. They are there to support what you want to do, not to decide anything for you. The best they can do is show you the options and give you suggestions that you can then decide between. Once you decide things, they will take those plans and make them happen for you.

Working with the cremation providers in Tukwila, WA will help you to give your loved one what they need along with an honorable service for the rest of your family to mourn their loss. The professionals at Columbia Funeral Home & Crematory are here to help you with every step of the planning process and we will implement the plans you put into place once you make those important decisions. We will answer any questions you have along the way.

cremation services in West Seattle, WA

Ways To Find Peace Around Cremation Services

When a loved one dies, it can be unsettling. How can you make peace with something that feels so wrong? You want to take care of your loved one’s needs so you arrange cremation services in West Seattle, WA for them. But you are also going to need to care for yourself and find a sense of peace around what has happened. If not, it can be very hard to move forward into the future. Here are some things that might give you peace around the services.

Meeting A Loved One’s Needs

Simply meeting your loved one’s needs can be a good way to give yourself an initial sense of peace. When you first find out that they passed on, you are immediately grieving their loss, but you also want to ensure that they get what they need since they can no longer do that for themselves. Once you contact a cremation provider and arrange that service, you know they are in good hands and their needs are being met. That can give you a sense of peace in many ways.

Honoring Your Loved One In A Nice Way

Honoring your loved one with a memorial service, a scattering ceremony, or in some other way can also give you peace about their death. You are doing something that feels right to showcase their personality and honor their memory. When you look back on what you did for them, you should feel proud of it and the service or act can help you to find peace.

Getting Closure And Saying Goodbye

Part of the services you might have for your loved one may give you a sense of closure and the chance to say goodbye to them. While that’s never going to be easy, it can help you move on and find the peace you need to do so. You might want to witness the cremation to get closure or simply attending the services do it. Talk to your loved one, even if they are in an urn, and say a final goodbye. Those things are important.

Finding Ways To Remember Them

cremation services in West Seattle, WAThere are tons of ways you can go about remembering your loved one and some of those can become new traditions and rituals that give you peace and joy over remembering a life well lived. Maybe you write a letter to your loved one on their birthday every year or have a family dinner on the anniversary of their death. These new traditions can help you remember them while giving you peace.

If you arrange cremation services in West Seattle, WA for a loved one who has passed on, there are things you can do around that service that will give you a sense of peace. Just making sure they are cared for can help and then honoring them can do even more. The professionals at Columbia Funeral Home & Crematory are here to help you make sure you get what you need to move forward.

cremation services in Bellevue, WA

Ways To Organize Your Cremation Services Ahead Of Time

Not everyone knows what they want for their final services, but it is a wise thing for you to think about. You might decide that if you were given a choice, you would prefer cremation services in Bellevue, WA. And if you decide that before you pass on, you can plan that out and ensure that your family knows what you want. Here are a few ways to organize your own cremation well ahead of time, no matter how young and healthy you might be now.

Write It Down

Once you decide that you would like to be cremated, you can simply sit down at the computer or with a notepad and write down everything you want. If you have instructions outside of the request for cremation, include them. Perhaps you’d like an urn of a certain type or a certain final resting place. Maybe you want a celebration of life instead of a somber memorial service. Include any details you come up with. Then, either give your loved one’s copies of those instructions or put them in a place they are sure to find them when the time comes. You could also have someone like your lawyer who holds your will have a copy so when your loved ones need it, they can easily access it.

Tell Your Family

It might feel simplest to you to go directly to your family and just explain what you want. Tell them that you want to be cremated and have reasons as to why you want that if you feel they are going to ask for details. If you want a certain final resting place or other things included in the services, let them in on that as well. The only problem with verbally telling them is that while they will probably remember at least the cremation part, some of the details might get lost in their minds over the years. Perhaps suggest that they take notes or tell several family members at once so they can remind each other.

Plan With Professionals

cremation services in Bellevue, WAOne of the most concrete options to ensure that your wishes are met is to plan your services with cremation providers. They will walk you through everything you need to decide and you can have the entire plan laid out for your family. All they have to do is call that provider and the plans you have chosen out take action. You know your family will know your wishes because everything is planned and ready to go.

If you’d like to take the most straightforward path, or if you want to at least start looking into the options for your future cremation services in Bellevue, WA, the professionals at Columbia Funeral Home & Crematory are here for you. You can even pay for your services ahead of time, if you so choose, though it’s not required. It’s all about what you want for your future services and what you feel is best for your family.

Cremation services in Tukwila, WA

Mistakes You Might Make Regarding Cremation Services

Cremation services in Tukwila, WA are highly popular today and are used in about half of the cases. Experts predict that in the upcoming decades, this method could be used in about 80% of the cases. However, for now, half of the time people use cremation and the other half of the time, they use funeral and burial methods. Both are completely honorable and respectful methods so there’s really no wrong way to go. But there are mistakes you can make surrounding cremation services and you want to avoid regrets later. Here are a few to be aware of:

1-Agreeing To Cremation Too Quickly

Your loved one has just died and you contacted a funeral home to transport them and care for their needs. Once that is done, you have to decide what comes next. You know that burial and cremation services are both options so you sign up for cremation faster than you can blink. The problem with agreeing too quickly is that you might have regrets over it later. You can’t reverse cremation and once it’s done, it’s done. Unless you know that’s what your loved one wanted, it’s okay to take some time to think about the process and whether or not it’s the right way to go for your loved one. You need to be certain about it before you sign on for it so there are no regrets later.

2-Adding Too Many Options

Cremation packages are generally simple, but they cover everything your loved one has to have for the process. You know their needs are covered, but there might be other things you want to add on to that package. There’s a long list of options, but they all cost. If you start to add option after option, it can take you way above and beyond what you are able to pay. While it’s true that cremation costs less than a regular funeral and burial, the extras can still add up and take you over what you have available. Don’t add options based on emotions because, of course, you want the best for your loved one. Tell the funeral home what budget you have and they can help you with the options so you are at the right price level, but also get what you want for your loved one.

3-Not Checking Religious Ideals

Cremation services in Tukwila, WAMost major religions are perfectly fine with cremation today and some even promote it. But there are a few that are still against cremation and you will want to make sure your loved one’s faith is okay with religion or you might regret putting them through it later. They would want to go along with their beliefs so you need to make sure you know what those are before you move forward.

Cremation services in Tukwila, WA are honorably and respectful, but there are mistakes you can make around them. The professionals at Columbia Funeral Home & Crematory will help you have the information you need to avoid those regrets and mistakes.

cremation services in West Seattle, WA

Reasons To Put Off Memorials For Cremation Services

When you decide to have cremation services in West Seattle, WA for a loved one who has passed on, you then erase the timeline for anything else you might want to do. You can have the cremation done and once that is complete, you can have the memorial and decide on a final resting place at any time. There’s no pressure to move forward until you are ready. Some people still like to have memorial services right away and that works well for them. But you might find some reasons to put off the services until another date. Here are a few reasons you might have.

Reason 1: Family Is Spread Out

If your family lives all over the country, it might be hard for everyone to drop everything, travel to your location, and attend a memorial service in short order. But if you put the memorial service off for a week or two, you give everyone the notice they need to get time off work, make travel plans, and arrive so they can all be together for the service. It’s a very nice reason to put things off and includes everyone and allows everyone time to get there.

Reason 2: You Need Time To Plan

While there’s nothing wrong with putting a memorial service together fast, you might want to take your time in the planning process and get something really special together. If you have a few things that need to come together that are going to take time, there’s nothing wrong with having the service a little later so you can get everything you want lined up. It may just make it more special for everyone who attends.

Reason 3: You Don’t Know What To Do Yet

Your loved one’s death might have been sudden and you may need some time to process what has happened. There’s nothing wrong with putting the memorial service off simply because you don’t know what you want to do for them yet. You’ve never thought of it before because you never had reason to. Think about what that person might have liked and give yourself some time to grieve and process what has happened before you jump into the planning process.

cremation services in West Seattle, WAThere’s a lot of flexibility with cremation services in West Seattle, WA and once the process is complete, you can do whatever you want, at any time that you want, and in any location. It opens up the options and really does allow you a variety of choices that you wouldn’t have had otherwise. Whether you want to have a service right away or not, the professionals at Columbia Funeral Home & Crematory are here to help. We can transport your loved one to our facilities and care for them as you decide what to do. Then, we can give you time and space to move forward with other services or we can help you plan something for your family and your loved one right away.

cremation services in Bellevue, WA

Things You Might Ask After Cremation Services

When you are grieving the loss of a loved one after their cremation services in Bellevue, WA, keep in mind that your grief is going to be different than other people’s. Even if you have gone through the grieving process before, things might go at a different pace this time and that’s okay. There’s no way to predict how you are going to feel, but there are some things you might ask yourself as you move through the process after the services are behind you.

When Will I Feel Better?

This is probably the biggest question people ask themselves. They want to feel better, and they want to know when that will happen. It would be great if you could get out your calendar and mark a date so you could work toward that date and know that you will feel better when that date comes around. But that’s not how grief works. There’s no telling when you will start to feel better because grief uses a different path and a different timeline in each individual.

Will I Ever Get Over The Loss?

The answer to this is no. You aren’t really going to ‘get over’ the loss. You’re always going to miss that loved one because they are no longer with you. But with time, you will learn to live with the loss and you will figure out a new normal and a way to move on. That may feel like ‘getting over it,’ in a way, or just a way of figuring out life without that person.

How Can I Get Support?

There are lots of places to look for support. First, you might go to family members and friends and that’s always a good place to start. You might be able to find what you need there. You can talk to certain friends and lean on certain family members. If you want more, though, you can go to a counselor who can help you work through your grief. You might look into grief support groups, too, which can help you feel less alone. Funeral homes have access to grief resources if you want to look into those sorts of things.

What’s Wrong With My Compared To Others?

cremation services in Bellevue, WAIt’s not a good idea to look at other people in your family and compare your grief to theirs. You might have a sibling that seems to be doing find with the loss of your parent while you are suffering heavy grief. Your grief can’t be compared to anyone else because you aren’t them and you didn’t have the same relationship with the person that they did. You have to deal with your own grief and not compare it to anyone else.

When you walk through cremation services in Bellevue, WA for a special loved one, it’s natural to have questions for yourself after you have that part of the process behind you. The professionals at Columbia Funeral Home & Crematory are here to help with grief resources whenever you need them.