When you have to move forward with a loved one’s final services, you will work closely with funeral homes in Tukwila, WA to figure out what you want to do for that special person. Keep in mind that whatever services the funeral home offers are honorable and respectful. You can’t go wrong with anything you choose. You just have to pick what is best for your loved one and the rest of your family as best you can in this situation. Many people think that embalming is necessary and required, but that’s not always the case. Here are a few reasons why you might avoid having the embalming process done.
The Casket Will Be Closed
Embalming is used to preserve your loved one so they look nice for a funeral and perhaps a visitation process. If you are planning to have a closed casket during those services, you don’t need embalming for your loved one. They will not show anyway and you can place a picture nearby so everyone can remember them for the way they were.
Money Is Tight
Not every family is going to have the funds they need for every possible service on the list. If you have a budget in mind and you need to save on one area or another of the funeral, you can consider leaving the embalming off the service list you choose. It’s an expensive service that involves costly chemicals and professional applications. When you take that off the list, you may be able to fit the other things you need into the budget you have at hand.
Direct Burial Is Your Service Of Choice
Some families want their loved ones to be cared for in a direct, straightforward manner and they choose direct burial for that person. You don’t need embalming if you are going to bury the body right away without funeral home services or visitations. You can have a memorial service after the burial if you choose to do so.
Environmental Concerns
If you want your loved one’s services to be more on the environmentally friendly side, consider skipping the embalming process. Embalming infuses chemicals into the body and when you bury your loved one, those chemicals are eventually going to make their way into the ground, which leads to pollution in numerous ways.
When you work with funeral homes in Tukwila, WA, they should be completely open and honest about the services that your loved one needs, and those that are optional. Embalming is one such optional service that you can take or leave, depending on the directions you are taking for your loved one’s services. Whatever direction you take, you are going to honor that person in a nice way that is respectful to them. Talk to your family about the options, examine your budget, and ask the funeral director for advice and recommendations to help you get everything lined up in just the right way. The professionals are there to support you with compassion.